The Behan Law Group, P.L.L.C.


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Spring 2024 Behan Law Group Military Veteran Scholarship Winner

Each semester, The Behan Law Group offers an award of $1,000 to support the higher education of military veterans, current service members, and their children. Our scholarship also requires the applicant to submit an essay discussing how their experience affected their academic and career goals and they plan to use their education to positively impact their community.

Adam Freeland

Adam Freeland

Military Veteran Adam Freeland has been named the second-place winner of our Behan Law Group Military Veterans Scholarship. Adam plans on using his award of $500 to help offset the financial strain of being a student and father. Pursuing a career as an elementary school teacher, Adam looks forward to obtaining his degree and helping make an impact on his student’s lives. Upon reading his essay, you will learn of Adam’s love for his children and how that love translated into seeking a new career path as a teacher.

Read Adam’s Essay:

At the age of 32, I find myself at a critical juncture, transitioning from a stable job in manufacturing to pursuing my dream of becoming an elementary school educator. This drastic career shift is not just a personal endeavor; it's a family mission that has received the full backing of my wife and two children. The seed for this transition was sown through my fatherhood experience. Witnessing my 8-year-old son thrive and grow based on what I've taught him has given me a profound sense of joy and purpose.

My service in the military has not only shaped me as an individual but has also profoundly influenced my academic and vocational aspirations. Military life taught me vital virtues such as discipline, accountability, and teamwork. These aren't just abstract notions; they are practical life skills that I plan to pass on to my future students. The importance of minute details was emphasized time and again during my military service. This focus on detail will be a significant advantage in the classroom where even small nuances can have a meaningful impact, whether it's in recognizing a student's academic struggles or in modifying my teaching strategies for better results.

The military also fine-tuned my ability to adapt to rapidly changing situations. Often, we had to modify our strategies with little notice. This aptitude for adaptability will serve me exceptionally well in an educational setting, where each day can be as unpredictable as the last. It will allow me to cater to diverse learning styles and needs, making adjustments on the fly to ensure each student gets the best possible educational experience.

Leadership skills are another invaluable takeaway from my time in the military. There, I was often responsible for mentoring and training new recruits, a role that prepared me for classroom management and student mentorship. My aim is to be more than just an instructor; I want to be a role model and a guiding force that helps shape young citizens who are responsible, disciplined, and community-focused.

Building community was an integral part of military life. It taught me that a group united by shared values and objectives is far stronger than an assembly of individuals. In my future classroom, I intend to create a strong sense of community, encouraging students to support one another and work collectively toward shared goals. My ambitions extend beyond the academics; I plan to instill in my students the importance of being active, responsible community members who contribute positively to society at large.

Furthermore, I view the classroom as an early training ground for life's challenges. It's a place where academic learning meets character development. My military service has prepared me for this dual role, giving me the tools to teach practical skills like time management, critical thinking, and problem-solving—qualities that will serve my students well in all facets of life.

In wrapping up, my path to becoming an elementary school teacher is deeply enriched by my military background. This background has provided me with a unique skill set that I believe will be invaluable in creating a comprehensive, well-rounded educational experience for my students. The education I'm pursuing now is not just a phase; it's a lifelong commitment to blending life lessons with academic education. By achieving this balance, I aim to leave an enduring, positive impact on my students and, through them, improve the community as a whole.

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